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Walker: Evers’ Tax Cut Plan Is A Tax Hike

Walker Appears With Former Gov. Tommy Thompson To Talk Tax Cuts, School Funding, Economic Growth

Scott Walker
Gage Skidmore (CC BY-SA 2.0)

The campaign trail brought current Gov. Scott Walker and former Gov. Tommy Thompson together Monday in both Green Bay and Milwaukee.

The two touted their records on tax cuts, school funding and economic growth. They also criticized Democratic gubernatorial candidate Tony Evers’ recently released 10 percent tax cut for middle class families.

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The tax plan — which Evers announced over the weekend — would affect families earning less than $150,000 a year. It would also cut taxes by 10 percent for individuals earning less than $100,000 annually. According to a press release on the plan, the tax cut would reach approximately 86 percent of Wisconsin tax filers.

Evers said he would fund the tax cut by rolling back cuts the Walker administration has given to higher earners, manufacturers and large agricultural operations.

But Walker said Evers’ plan amounts to a tax hike.

“If you pay more in taxes, that’s a tax increase,” Walker said Monday while visiting Laser Form LLC in Green Bay. “Taxes will go up on manufacturers to hire people like the guys and gals I was just talking to. It will raise taxes on farmers who are just devastated with the global economy. The last thing they need is a tax increase.”

Walker went further saying Evers “should have released (the tax plan) on Halloween.”

“It is really just a mask for his overall attempt to raise taxes on the hard working people of the state,” Walker said.

In the press release, Evers’ campaign stated, “Too many Wisconsin families have been working multiple jobs while facing stagnant wages, soaring healthcare costs, and no solution to student loan debt. They deserve better. Middle class Wisconsin families deserve a tax code that puts them first.”