You count on Wisconsin Public Radio for independent journalism, thought-provoking discussions, world-class music and quality entertainment. Member support is the largest source of funding for this essential service. Thank you for considering a gift from your Donor Advised Fund today!
How to donate via Donor Advised Fund (DAF)
Click the link below, search for your fund, and log into their user portal.
Give now from your Donor-Advised Fund
Or contact your fund administrator with the following information:
1. WPR’s nonprofit details:
Wisconsin Public Radio Association, Inc.
821 University Ave, Madison, WI 53706
Federal Tax ID: 23-7363536
2. How much you want to donate.
3. Ask that they include your name and contact information with the gift.
4. Have them mail your DAF grant to WPR’s lockbox:
Wisconsin Public Radio
PO Box 88025
Milwaukee, WI 53288-8025
5. To ensure we acknowledge your DAF gift, let WPR know your gift is coming by contacting us at 800-383-9772 or Tell us how much your gift will be, and from which fund, so we can identify it when it arrives.
Benefits of giving via DAF
As a charitable investment fund, a DAF allows you to put cash or securities into the fund for the sole purpose of supporting the charitable 501(c)(3) nonprofits you value, like WPR.
Other benefits include:
- You receive a tax deduction on your entire deposit right away (creating a tax advantage if the amount you deposit exceeds your standard tax deduction).
- Your assets grow tax-free.
- You have an unlimited amount of time to make your gifts to nonprofits from that fund.
Talk with your financial advisor to see if a DAF is right for you! If you have questions, and to let us know your gift is coming, contact WPR at 800-383- 9772 or Thank you!