Latest Episodes
Your standing desk isn’t making you healthier, Certain foods may disrupt your body’s fight against cancer cells, Marinated Winter Squash with Sage
This week Zorba and Karl discuss standing work desks, and they examine new research that found certain foods disrupt your body’s fight against cancer cells. Plus, they share a delicious recipe for Marinated winter squash with sage.
Ecotherapy: What is it and does it work?, New study finds cutting a teaspoon of salt works as well as blood pressure meds, Mediterranean Tuna Salad
This week Zorba and Karl look at new research that finds cutting 1 teaspoon of salt works as well as blood pressure meds, and they talk about if Ecotherapy really works. Plus, they share a delicious recipe for a Mediterranean tuna salad.
Hearing loss can lead to falls, Bike riding in middle school may boost mental health, Peruvian Chicken Soup
This week Zorba and Karl look at new research that finds hearing loss may lead to more falls, and they discuss a study that found riding a bike in middle school may boost mental health. Plus, they share a delicious recipe for Peruvian chicken soup.
New FDA rules for TV drug ads, Small amounts of physical exertion may halve major cardiovascular risks in women, Roasted Parsnips and Carrots
This week Zorba and Karl examine the new guidelines for TV drug ads recently rolled out by the FDA, and they discuss new research that found small amounts of vigorous physical exertion may halve major cardiovascular risks in women. Plus, they share a delicious recipe for Roasted parsnips and carrots.
20 minutes of daily physical activity may offset death risk from prolonged sitting, Decreased independent play cause of children’s declining mental health, Sweet Potato Pecan Casserole
This week Zorba and Karl talk about how 20 minutes of daily physical activity may offset the death risk from prolonged sitting, and they discuss why a decline in independent play may be the cause of children’s declining mental health. Plus, they share a delicious recipe for a Sweet potato pecan casserole.