Wisconsin receives a C+ on dam infrastructure, Dunn County votes for universal healthcare

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Heard On The Morning Show
A black and white photo of a dam on the Chippewa River.
A dam on Chippewa River. Jereme Rauckman (CC BY 2.0)

Wisconsin’s dam safety engineer describes the state’s dam infrastructure. The supervisor for Dunn County explains what it means that the conservative western Wisconsin county voted for a national health insurance program in a nonbinding measure last month.

Featured in this Show

  • Update on Wisconsin dam infrastructure

    Wisconsin is home to 3,900 dams. According to the 2020 American Civil Engineers report card, the state received a C+ grade on its dam infrastructure. The Department of Natural Resources dam safety engineer shares an update on dam maintenance and failures.

  • Conservative Wisconsin county votes for universal health care coverage

    Rural Dunn County voters cast ballots in the midterm election largely for the Republican candidates for governor and Congress. But a narrow majority also voted for a nonbinding measure for a national health insurance program. We talk to a county supervisor who took the resolution door to door.

Episode Credits

  • Kate Archer Kent Host
  • Courtney Everett Producer
  • Joel Patenaude Producer
  • Maria Lopez Technical Director
  • Uriah Monday Guest
  • John Calabrese Guest