What Wisconsin’s ‘Trans Handy Ma’am’ wants every college student to know

Air Date:
Heard On The Morning Show
Mercury Stardust, a Trans woman with long blue and purple hair, wears overalls that say "Trans Handy Ma'am" in gold glitter lettering. She leans on her elbow with her hand resting on an old-fashioned toolbox and poses smiling at the camera.
Mercury Stardust, known as “Trans Handy Ma’am” on TikTok, is a Professional Maintenance Technician, author, performer, and award-winning activist. Photo courtesy of Hillary L. Schave/Azena Photography

As move-in day approaches at universities across the state, Wisconsin’s TikTok star and maintenance technician Mercury Stardust explains how to make shared living spaces comfortable, functional and safe.

Episode Credits

  • Kate Archer Kent Host
  • Avery Lea Rogers Producer
  • Trina La Susa Technical Director
  • Mercury Stardust Guest

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