State Capitol Report: New Legislation, A Potential Constitutional Amendment, Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes And More

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Heard On The Morning Show
Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers and Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes address the press.
Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers and Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes. AP Photo/Scott Bauer

On this week’s State Capitol Report we discuss new state laws, a potential constitutional amendment and the implications of the recently passed state budget. Then, Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes joins us to discuss his priorities, biparisanship, and what he’s expirenced on his travels throughout Wisconsin.

Featured in this Show

  • State Capitol Report: The Wisconsin Lottery, Electric Scooters, Veto Powers And More

    Governor Evers signed bills last week that address regulation of electric scooters and step therapy for prescription drugs. We’re getting the details from WPR’s State Capitol Reporter. We’ll also learn about proposals from the capitol including a constitutional amendment and a law to form a nonpartisan redistricting committee.

  • After State Budget, Now What? Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes Discusses Priorities

    Halfway through Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes’ first year in office, we check in and see how the job is working out. We talk about his experiences meeting with constituents, the completed state budget, upcoming elections, and other recent news.

Episode Credits

  • Kate Archer Kent Host
  • Jana Rose Schleis Producer
  • Keegan Kyle Producer
  • Sarah Hopefl Technical Director
  • Laurel White Guest
  • Mandela Barnes Guest