Quality of patient care following hospital mergers, Ways to soothe vocal cords

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Heard On The Morning Show
A stethoscopeat hangs in front of a monitor at the intensive care unit at the Westerstede Clinical Center, a military-civilian hospital in Westerstede, northwest Germany, Friday, Dec. 17, 2021. As hospitals across Europe brace themselves for a surge in co
Martin Meissner/AP Photo

The pace of hospital mergers and acquisitions remains high and regulatory scrutiny is increasing, according to one analysis. We examine how these transactions affect patient care and medical costs. Then, a Wisconsin speech pathologist explains ways to treat vocal cord dysfunction.

Featured in this Show

  • How hospital mergers affect cost, patient care

    Wisconsin has seen at least four major hospital mergers announced or finalized in the last year. Nationally, America has seen almost 1,900 hospital mergers nationally from 1998 to 2021. A professor of medicine tells us how hospital mergers impact cost and patient care.

  • Stress can cause vocal cord dysfunction. Breathing differently can treat it

    Everybody experiences vocal cord dysfunction from time to time, according to an Oshkosh speech language pathologist. They explain what causes vocal cord dysfunction, how to treat it, and whether or not you can diagnose yourself.

Episode Credits

  • Kate Archer Kent Host
  • Trevor Hook Producer
  • Avery Lea Rogers Producer
  • Lee Rayburn Technical Director
  • Dr. Rachel Werner Guest
  • Wendy Fabisiak Guest

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