Cross-Cultural Alliances In The Civil Rights Movement And Beyond

Air Date:
Heard On The Morning Show
Milwaukee police move to grab Father James E. Groppi, Milwaukee NAACP Youth Council adviser, as he led a civil rights march toward City Hall, Aug. 31, 1967. The priest and many of the council’s members and its sympathizers were arrested when they violated Mayor Henry Maier’s decree against demonstrations. Paul Shane/AP Photo

The Civil Rights era is, in part, a story of interfaith and interracial collaboration. We talk about the alliances forged by African-Americans in their fight for basic freedoms. Also, a look at an exhibit at the Jewish Museum in Milwaukee that explores the history of Jewish involvement in black Americans’ struggle for civil rights.

Episode Credits

  • Glen Moberg Host
  • Colleen Leahy Producer
  • Patrick D. Jones Guest
  • Molly Dubin Guest

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