Wisconsin registered home inspector John Freiburger is back to talk about siding for your house. Then, we cover what you need to know before installing a solar electric system with Doug Dettlaff from Focus on Energy.
Featured in this Episode
Home improvement: Siding 101
A house’s siding is one of those things that we tend to take for granted until something goes wrong. But it plays an important role in preventing damage from moisture. We talk with a registered home inspector about your options when replacing siding.
National Concrete Masonry Association
What to know if <br>you’re considering solar energy for your home
Solar electric systems are one option if you’re looking to save on bills or reduce your carbon footprint. We talk with a representative from Focus on Energy about how much solar can help you save and what to know about selecting a contractor.
Episode Credits
- Larry Meiller Host
- John Freiburger Guest
- Doug Dettlaff Guest
- Jill Nadeau Executive Producer
- Clara Neupert Producer
- Jeff Robbins Technical Director
Wisconsin Public Radio, © Copyright 2024, Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System and Wisconsin Educational Communications Board.