NASA asteroid mission, Consumer spending and saving

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time
Lunar landing, Houston, Mission Control, NASA, Apollo 11
The console for Booster Systems Engineer, the first position on the first row, know as “The Trench,” inside the Apollo mission control room as it is restored to replicate the Apollo mission era for the 50th anniversary of the Apollo moon landing at the NASA Johnson Space Center Monday, June 17, 2019, in Houston. Michael Wyke/AP Photo

We learn more about a NASA mission to get on the surface of an asteroid. Then, an economist joins us to look at why consumers are spending more and saving less.

Featured in this Show

  • Why NASA sent a spacecraft to a metal asteroid

    A planetary scientist with a new book coming out about what’s inside planets breaks down why NASA and SpaceX launched a first-of-its kind mission to an asteroid orbiting the Sun.

  • Consumer spending is up, saving is down. What does this mean for the economy?

    Despite concerns about high interest rates and the looming possibility of a recession, Americans are spending down household savings built up during the pandemic. An economist explains what this means for the economy.

Episode Credits

  • Dean Knetter Host
  • Kealey Bultena Host
  • Sarah Hopefl Technical Director
  • Tyler Ditter Technical Director
  • Tim Peterson Producer
  • Richelle Wilson Producer
  • Sabine Stanley Guest
  • Menzie Chinn Guest

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