Delisting Gray Wolves, Allergan Merges With Pfizer, Cuban Bandleader Visits Wisconsin

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time

Conservationists, hunters and lawmakers have long been at odds on how to deal with the growing gray wolf population, which now totals more than 3,500 in the western Great Lakes region. A scientist makes the case that it’s time to take the wolves off the endangered list and let states manage the population. We also get caught up on the merger between pharmacy companies Allergan and Pfizer and talk to a famous Cuban bandleader visiting Wisconsin.

Featured in this Show

  • The Case For Delisting The Gray Wolf

    There’s been a back-and-forth in the wildlife conservation community about the endangered status of the gray wolf population in the western Great Lakes region, including Wisconsin. A guest makes the case that is time to take those wolves off of the endangered species list.

  • Understanding The Pfizer/Allergan Merger

    We’re joined by an expert from public radio’s “Marketplace” to make sense of the huge announced merger between drug companies Pfizer and Allergan.

  • Celebrated Cuban Bandleader Visits UW-Madison

    We’re joined by a celebrated Cuban musician and bandleader who’s been working in-residence with students at the UW-Madison.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Veronica Rueckert Host
  • Rob Ferrett Producer
  • Judith Siers-Poisson Producer
  • Adrian Wydeven Guest
  • Chris Farrell Guest
  • Juan De Marcos Guest