Child Tax Credit, What Men And Women Want, Book Explores Who People Turn To In Difficult Situations

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Heard On Central Time

People often cite evolutionary biology to explain what women and men want out of relationships. We talk about why those ideas may have very little basis. We also hear from the author of a book that explores our tendencies to talk to strangers rather than someone close to us when going through hard times, and take a closer look at Governor Walker’s proposed child tax credit.

Featured in this Show

  • Walker Announces $122 Million Child Tax Credit In State Of The State Address

    During Governor Scott Walker’s annual “State of the State” address yesterday, he unveiled a plan to give Wisconsin families $100 tax credit for every child under the age of 18. We speak with Laurel White, State Capitol Reporter for Wisconsin Public Radio News, about the plan and other initiatives the Governor outlined in his address.

  • Exploring Who Americans Choose To Confide In

    When going through a difficult time, who do you choose to confide in? The author of a new book has learned through his research, that despite what we think we’re more likely to turn to an acquaintance or stranger than someone who knows us very well.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • J. Carlisle Larsen Producer
  • Natalie Guyette Producer
  • Haleema Shah Producer
  • Laurel White Guest
  • Mario Luis Small Guest

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