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As Drug Deaths Mount, Milwaukee’s Mayor Pledges Action

Barrett Says City Is 'Coming After' Illegal Drugmakers And Sellers

Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett
Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett speaks at a news conference Thursday outside a recently-closed convenience store where illegal drugs were manufactured. Chuck Quirmbach/WPR

Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett is promising a continued strong effort against illegal drugs in the city.

The pledge comes as the Milwaukee County Medical Examiner is investigating five probable drug overdose deaths from Wednesday night, at least some of which took place in Barrett’s city.

Barrett held a news conference Thursday, outside a recently-closed convenience store where synthetic drugs were made.

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He said the city will pursue individuals and businesses that manufacture or sell illegal drugs.

“We are coming after you, if you are trying to ruin this city, and we’re going to do that until we catch everyone involved because that’s what the citizens of this city deserve and expect,” Barrett said.

The mayor said the state and nation are also suffering from the drug crisis. The Milwaukee County Medical Examiner is projecting a record number of local drug overdose deaths this year: as many as 420.

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