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Environmental Group Regards $250K Wind Power Study In Budget With Caution

RENEW Wisconsin Head Says He Hopes Research Will Be 'Impartial And Rigorous'

Benjamin Peterson (CC-BY-NC-SA)

Wind power advocates are taking a cautious approach to Gov. Scott Walker’s budget proposal to spend $250,000 on another study of the health effects of wind energy systems.

Tyler Huebner, executive director of RENEW Wisconsin, said his organization doesn’t outright oppose more research.

“But we do think the research needs to be conducted in an impartial and rigorous way so the results can be accepted as peered-reviewed, so that they’re scientifically and medically sound results,” said Huebner.

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Huebner said he hopes the state’s Wind Siting Council gets to review competitive proposals to do the study.

Walker’s office says the money is intended to provide the state Public Service Commission with comprehensive information to consider, as the panel receives requests for future wind energy projects. However, the PSC says it didn’t ask for the $250,000 study, and says it’s premature to speculate on the scope of the research and how it would be conducted.

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