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Federal Money Will Allow State To Add New Ethanol Pumps

Environment Group Questions Federal Approach To Alternative Fuels

gas pump close up
frankieleon (CC-BY)  

Wisconsin is receiving federal money to expand the number of ethanol pumps at gas stations, but, at the same time, an environmental group is out with a new study raising concerns about ethanol made from ears of corn.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is sending nearly $4 million to the state. Agencies and groups like the state Public Service Commission and Wisconsin Corn Growers are promising the state will install at least 100 new ethanol pumps near major fleets and travel corridors.

But Emily Cassidy, of the environmental group EWG, said that raises an important question.

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“Are we just installing blending stations so that we can produce more corn ethanol? Or are we trying to make room for these greener biofuels?” she asked.

Cassidy said making ethanol from switchgrass or corn stalks and leaves would reduce carbon emissions linked to climate change. Her group is asking Congress to eliminate a mandate for adding more corn ethanol to gasoline and accelerate development of other biofuels.