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Amid Possible Federal Cuts, Walker Calls Great Lakes ‘Incredible Asset’

Trump Administration May Significantly Cut Restoration Initiative

Man walking along Lake Superior
Morry Gash/AP Photo

Gov. Scott Walker says he’s concerned about a potential major cut in federal funding for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative.

A leaked federal budget memo shows the Trump administration is considering cutting spending for the federal Great Lakes cleanup program from $300 million to $10 million.

The Republican governor told the news media Tuesday in Milwaukee that the lakes are an asset to both the quality of life and commercial activities such as tourism. Any cuts to Great Lakes spending should be done carefully, Walker said.

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“I want to make sure that not just that we protect funding, but we protect funding that’s used prudently,” Walker said. “Just spending more money on something isn’t the answer, but making sure those dollars are spent in a way that protects this incredible asset — one of the greatest assets of fresh water anywhere in the world.”

Great Lakes mayors have said the proposed cut could have adverse effects on water quality and the regional economy.

According to the White House, President Donald Trump is looking to curb some domestic programs to provide more money for the military and defense programs.