Aging In the Greater Twin Ports, and Shane Nelson Performs Solo And With His Band

Air Date:
Heard On Simply Superior
IMages courtesy of Creative Commons and Shane Nelson.

According to the US Census Bureau, 2024 is Peak 65 — meaning more Americans will reach the traditional retirement age of 65 during 2024 than any previous year in history. In an encore presentation from last year, Dale Johnson of Senior Connections in Superior and Mary Bovee of Duluth’s Age Well Arrowhead join “Simply Superior” host Robin Washington to demystify aging and discuss the services offered by their agencies.

Also, Shane Nelson of Superior has won so many songwriting contests, they made him a judge. One of the show’s first musical guests several years ago, he returns to share his new work, both as solo projects and with the Shane Nelson Band.

Episode Credits

  • Robin Washington Host
  • Robin Washington Producer
  • Robin Washington Interviewer
  • Mary Bovee Guest
  • Dale Johnson Guest
  • Shane Nelson Guest

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