Sept. 19, Recruiting And Retaining Diverse Students

Air Date:
Heard On Route 51
Marc Young, Shereen Siewert, and Dr. Sam Dinga

More than ever before, success in today’s diverse workforce requires sensitivity to human differences and the ability to relate to people from different cultural backgrounds. Shereen Siewert welcomes Dr. Sam Dinga and Marc Young, two key players at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point who are working to recruit and retain a diverse student body at area campuses. Together, they’ll discuss efforts underway to offer a rich, multicultural experience for all UWSP students, and the impact those programs are having on today’s students.

Episode Credits

  • Shereen Siewert Host
  • Joy Ratchkramer Producer
  • Rick Reyer Producer
  • Dr. Sam Dinga Guest
  • Marc Young Guest

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