Sept. 18, 2014: Should Poverty be a Priority Issue in the November Elections?

Air Date:
Heard On Route 51

This Thursday, September 18th, Route 51 examines an effort by the faith-based social justice group NAOMI to make the issue of poverty a priority in the November 4th elections. The group has released a letter which reads in part, “In this election year, we encourage all people of faith to make poverty a priority issue when they vote…. We cannot consider only our own narrow self-interest when we engage in politics or business. Every decision must be evaluated according to the effect it will have on those in poverty.” Our guests will be Reverend Scott D. Anderson, Executive Director of the Wisconsin Council of Churches, Rabbi Dan Danson of the Mount Sinai Congregation in Wausau, and Joel Lewis, NAOMI executive board member and Marathon County supervisor. The program will also feature one of the Christian pastors involved with the initiative. NAOMI is sponsoring a Poverty Summit the afternoon of October 1st at Frame Memorial Presbyterian Church, 133 Main Street in Stevens Point.

Episode Credits

  • Glen Moberg Host
  • Reverend Scott D. Anderson Guest
  • Rabbi Dan Danson Guest
  • Joel Lewis Guest

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