Route 51, September 7, 2017

Air Date:
Heard On Route 51
Nancy Larson, Glen Moberg, and Terry Daulton Jana Rose Schleis/WPR

September 7 at 10 a.m., Wisconsin Public Radio’s Route 51 looks at Wisconsin Green Fire, a new organization comprised of retired and active scientists who have worked with the Wisconsin DNR, the University of Wisconsin, federal natural resource agencies, nonprofit environmental groups, and the private sector. The group was formed in response to what it calls “recent developments at the state and national level that threaten science-based practices.” In a news release, the group criticizes Governor Walker’s handling of the DNR, stating that “responsible, science-based long-term management practices are no longer welcome.” Glen Moberg will moderate a discussion with Terry Daulton, Wisconsin Green Fire coordinator and a biologist who has worked for the National Park Service and the DNR Bureau of Integrated Science Services; Nancy Larson, Wisconsin Green Fire board member and water quality specialist who recently retired from the DNR after 27 years and Kim Wright, Wisconsin Green Fire board member and executive director of Midwest Environmental Advocates.

Episode Credits

  • Glen Moberg Host
  • Terry Daulton Guest
  • Kim Wright Guest
  • Nancy Larson Guest