Route 51, May 31, 2018

Air Date:
Heard On Route 51
Tegan Griffith and Glen Moberg on Route 51. Jana Rose Schleis/WPR

On May 31 at 10 a.m. Wisconsin Public Radio’s Route 51 features a conversation with Tegan Griffith, who grew up in Wittenberg, joined the Marine Corps at 21, was featured in the PBS documentary American Creed, served in a student leadership position at UW-Stevens Point, and is now a leader of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America.American Creed features Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, historian David Kennedy and a “diverse group of Americans.” It will be rebroadcast on Wisconsin Public Television in June. Host Glen Moberg will ask Griffith about the reaction she has received from appearing on the program, and its premise that “a unifying set of beliefs, an American Creed, can prove more powerful than the issues that divide us.”

Episode Credits

  • Glen Moberg Host
  • Tegan Griffith Guest

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