March 24, 2016: Japanese-American Internment Camp Survivors

Air Date:
Heard On Route 51

This Thursday, March 24th at 10 am, Wisconsin Public Radio’s Route 51 features two survivors of America’s World War Two Japanese incarceration camps, and the historian who told their stories. The program also looks at how the great American past-time of baseball provided a relief and focus to the lives of those who were interred.

Host Glen Moberg will interview Tets Furukawa and Howard Zenimura, who as boys were interred at the Gila River War Relocation Center in Arizona, and Kerry Yo Nakagawa, Director of the Nisei Baseball Research Project. The show will also feature Colin Hanson, the Edgar Elementary School teacher whose A Walk in Their Shoes school history program brought them to central Wisconsin. Furukawa and Zenimura’s stories are featured in the books A Diamond in the Desert and Barbed Wire Baseball. After the Pearl Harbor bombing, more than 120,000 Japanese-American citizens were rounded up and placed in the internment camps for perceived national security reasons.

Watch ‘Price Of Liberty’ Video from Wisconsin Public Radio on Vimeo.

Episode Credits

  • Glen Moberg Host
  • Kerry Yo Nakagawa Guest
  • Tets Furukawa Guest
  • Howard Zenimura Guest

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