July 8, Financial Planning In Challenging Times

Air Date:
Heard On Route 51
Budgeting Your Money
CC0 Creative Commons

With inflation reaching record highs and consumer confidence eroding, it’s difficult to know how to make the best choices to protect your investments and your financial future. As the stock market declines and fears over a possible recession continue, many people are wondering how best to safely save and invest their earnings.

Shereen Siewert welcomes financial advisor Kevin McKinley for a discussion about personal finance best practices in a challenging economy, from investing in the stock market to planning for retirement and more.

Recommended Sites:

Personal Finance: mint.com

Bond Purchase: treasurydirect.gov

Life Insurance: term4sale.com

Episode Credits

  • Shereen Siewert Host
  • Rick Reyer Producer
  • Joy Ratchkramer Producer
  • Kate Spranger Producer
  • Kevin McKinley Guest