Aug. 20, 2015: Author and Terrorism Expert, Anne Speckhard

Air Date:
Heard On Route 51

This Thursday, August 20th at 10 am, terrorism expert, author and Wausau native Anne Speckhard returns to Route 51 to discuss her new book Bride of ISIS, One Woman’s Path into Homegrown Terrorism. The book is based on a composite of actual cases, and inspired by the true story of American teenager Shannon Conley, who was arrested last year while planning to travel to Syria to marry an ISIS extremist she had met on-line.

Host Glen Moberg will ask Speckhard about the methods terrorists use to seduce women over the Internet, and how ISIS uses sex slavery and the violation of women as a tool to govern, hold territory, and fund its operation. Speckhard has interviewed more than 400 terrorists, their family members and close associates. She is the author of six books, including Talking to Terrorists; Undercover Jihadi: Inside the Toronto 18 – Al Qaeda Inspired, Homegrown Terrorism in the West; and Warrior Princess: A U.S. Navy SEAL’s Journey to Coming out Transgender.

Episode Credits

  • Glen Moberg Host
  • Dr. Anne Speckhard Guest

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