Newsmakers, September 15, 2011

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Heard On Newsmakers

Wisconsin lawmakers consider changing state mining laws to promote large scale mining in northern Wisconsin but opponents raise concerns about the environmental impact. Author and journalist Richard Louv talks about his most recent books “Last Child in the Woods” and “The Nature Principal”.

Featured in this Show

  • Environmental Issues Related To Mining

    As Wisconsin lawmakers consider rewriting the state’s mining law to permit a proposed large-scale taconite mine in northern Wisconsin, opponents are working to raise awareness of potential environmental issues related to mining.

  • Getting Back To Nature

    Also, author and journalist Richard Louv coined the phrase “nature deficit disorder”, a topic he addresses in his most recent books, “Last Child in the Woods” and “The Nature Principal.” He shared his insights this week with La Crosse audiences at Viterbo University. For more information, go to the Children and Nature Network