Newsmakers, May 8, 2014

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Heard On Newsmakers
La Crosse Compassion Project artwork is on display at the Pump House until June 28.
La Crosse Compassion Project artwork is on display at the Pump House until June 28. Photo: Maureen McCollum/WPR

Viewing the Compassion Project; Saving for Retirement

Featured in this Show

  • Viewing the Compassion Project

    Students in the La Crosse School District have spent part of the 2013-14 school year participating in a district-wide art project that focuses on the issue of compassion. The student’s interpretation of compassion has been captured on a 6 inch square canvas. The art work, all 6,000 squares, is on display at the Pumphouse Regional Center for the Arts in downtown La Crosse through June 28. We talk with educators and students on the impact of the project, and what they hope the community will take from it.

  • Saving for Retirement

    The Great Recession not only meant heavy job loss and decimated savings accounts of many Americans, but it also delayed retirement for a lot of baby boomers, many who saw retirement savings accounts shrink. The AARP of Wisconsin and Minnesota are hosting a free Financial Security Summit in La Crosse May 12 for people who want to learn more about saving for retirement.

Episode Credits

  • Maureen McCollum Host
  • John Davis Producer
  • Steve Michaels Guest
  • Bethany Nugent Guest
  • Lisa Lamkins Guest
  • Seth Boffeli Guest

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