Newsmakers, December 22, 2011

Air Date:
Heard On Newsmakers

Hydraulic fracturing, or “frac mining”, is capturing headlines in many parts of the country, including western Wisconsin. In part two, the latest on a new partnership to build a community theater in downtown La Crosse. Guests include David Kilpatrick and Barb Gayle.

Featured in this Show

  • Issue of Frac Mining Rasing Local Concerns

    Hydraulic fracturing, or “frac mining”, is capturing headlines in many parts of the country, including western Wisconsin; it’s not necessarily the frac mining itself that’s at issue in this region, but the mining of local sand deposits that provide a key part of the frac mining process taking place elsewhere in the country. Additional information can be found at La Crosse County UW-Extension.

  • Work Underway On A New La Crosse Theatre

    In part two, the latest on a new partnership to build a community theater in downtown La Crosse. Our guests are La Crosse Community Theatre executive director David Kilpatrick and Viterbo University vice present for academic affairs Barb Gayle.