We celebrate Independent Bookstore Day on today’s “Newsmakers” program by speaking with the owners of Driftless Books and Music in Viroqua, Paperbacks and Pieces in Winona, and acknowledging Pearl Street Books La Crosse. Guests join host Ezra Wall to discuss the annual recognition, Saturday, April 30, as a one-day national party in independent bookstores across the country to recognize and celebrate their uniqueness and importance. They also share how they each got started and what plans they have in store (literally) moving forward.
Next, Wall speaks with musicians and organizers of the annual Mid West Music Festival in Winona, April 29 and 30. We hear from Dylan Hilliker, executive director of the festival, and performing musicians Luke Callen, formerly of La Crosse, and Siri Undlin of Humbird. They share what it was like to live in Minneapolis during the 2020 social justice uprisings, and how resulting deep self-reflection impacted their creativity.
Episode Credits
- Ezra Wall Host
- Dawn Jewell Producer
- John Davis Producer
- Ezra Wall Producer
- Eddy Nix Guest
- Shannon Doberstein Guest
- Dylan Hilliker Guest
- Siri Undlin "Humbird" Guest
- Luke Callen Guest
Wisconsin Public Radio, © Copyright 2025, Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System and Wisconsin Educational Communications Board.