Despite anti-pollution efforts around the Mississippi River, increased nitrogen and phosphorous levels are continuing to produce more algae and create dead zones throughout the Midwest. We talk with a guest about why current measures are not effective and what other courses of action we should consider. We also talk to a dermatologist about how to keep your skin healthy and happy throughout the winter months.
Featured in this Show
Solutions To Nutrient Pollution In Wisconsin Waters
A recent investigation found that anti-pollution programs in the areas surrounding the Mississippi River, aren’t slowing the spreading pollution. Growing nitrogen and phosphorus are increasing algae, damaging habitats, and causing dead zones throughout the Midwest. Our guest breaks down what’s happening and analyzes what other courses of action may be available.
How To Care For Skin In The Winter
Winter, and the cold temperatures and dry air that accompany it, doesn’t do our skin any favors. We talk with a dermatologist about how to take care of our body’s largest organ, from cleansing to moisturizing.
Episode Credits
- Kate Archer Kent Host
- Jana Rose Schleis Producer
- Breann Schossow Producer
- Sarah Hopefl Technical Director
- Jamie Konopacky Guest
- Dr. Apple Bodemer Guest
Wisconsin Public Radio, © Copyright 2024, Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System and Wisconsin Educational Communications Board.