Supporting sexual assault survivors, The Wisconsin Conservation Congress

Air Date:
Heard On The Morning Show
Sexual assault test kit boxes
Sexual assault evidence collection kits. Rick Bowmer/AP file photo

First, we speak with an advocate for sexual assault survivors about the epidemic in rural Wisconsin. Then, the head of the Wisconsin Conservation Congress tells us about how the organization’s annual survey lets citizens influence the state’s conservation policy.

Featured in this Show

  • April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Here's how one community is supporting survivors

    There were more than 4,000 sex offenses reported to law enforcement in 2020, according to the Wisconsin Department of Justice. The department says the actual number of sexual assaults is likely higher. We talk with an advocate for sexual assault survivors about her work in rural Wisconsin.

  • How the Wisconsin Conservation Congress advises the DNR

    Citizens have a unique way of influencing hunting, fishing and recreation policy through the Wisconsin Conservation Congress. As its annual survey is out this week, the chairman of the organization is here to explain the process.

Episode Credits

  • Kate Archer Kent Host
  • Clara Neupert Producer
  • Joel Patenaude Producer
  • Maria Lopez Technical Director
  • Katelyn Wonderlin Guest
  • Tony Blattler Guest