State Capitol Report: Latest on state budget negotiations, Bill focuses on PFAS contamination

Air Date:
Heard On The Morning Show
Water flows from a water fountain
In this Friday Jan. 7, 2011, photo, water flows from a water fountain at the Boys and Girls Club in Concord, N.H. The New Hampshire Senate gave preliminary approval Thursday, Feb. 13, 2020, to several bills meant to address concerns about contamination in the state’s drinking water from a class of toxic chemicals known collectively as PFAS. Jim Cole/AP Photo

Wisconsin lawmakers have until July 1 to complete state budget negotiations. WPR’s capitol bureau chief updates us on their progress. Then a bill addressing PFAS contamination in Wisconsin is evaluated by the PFAS Project Lab, which studies the health threat posed nationally by “forever chemicals.”

Featured in this Show

  • Update on budget negotiations before July 1 deadline

    Wisconsin’s next budget is scheduled to take effect July 1. WPR’s capitol bureau chief updates us on the progress of the budget negotiations, and what it could mean for Wisconsin.

  • How does Wisconsin's proposed PFAS legislation compare to other states?

    A Republican authored bill to address PFAS contamination in Wisconsin has drawn support and criticism. We speak with members of the PFAS Project Lab that study PFAS legislation and remediation on a national level to see how other lawmakers are working to eliminate forever chemicals.

Episode Credits

  • Shereen Siewert Host
  • Avery Lea Rogers Producer
  • Mackenzie Krumme Producer
  • Shawn Johnson Guest
  • Phil Brown Guest
  • Kimberly Garrett Guest
  • Lee Rayburn Technical Director