Spooky sounds home repair, Raising student attendance

Air Date:
Heard On The Morning Show
Blue lockers line a hallway in a school building.
A student walks down a hallway with lockers Friday, Sept. 17, 2021, at Hackett Elementary School in Beloit, Wis. Angela Major/WPR

First, a Wisconsin handyman tells us how to repair cracks, squeaks and spooky sounds at home. Then, we hear from a Department of Public Instruction school social work consultant about improving student attendance.

Featured in this Show

  • Home Help: Fix spooky sounds

    Tired of hearing creaky floors and doors? Just in time for Halloween, we talk with a Wisconsin handyman about repairing those unwanted sounds in the home.

  • How to improve student attendance in Wisconsin schools

    The state Assembly Speaker’s Task Force on Truancy held another meeting this week. We speak with a school social work consultant for the state Department of Public Instruction about the complex measurement of school attendance and ensuring students are able to attend school with ease.

Episode Credits

  • Kate Archer Kent Host
  • Courtney Everett Producer
  • Mackenzie Krumme Producer
  • Lee Rayburn Technical Director
  • Jeff Bauer Guest
  • Julie Incitti Guest