Red light cameras, Wisconsin code talkers, Light pollution’s threat to birds

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Heard On The Morning Show
Sandhill cranes leave the area in small groups while migrating.
In this Friday, Feb. 6, 2015 photo, sandhill cranes leave the area in small groups after they gathered at a roosting location for the night along their winter migration route in Cecilia, Ky. David Stephenson/AP Photo

A researcher at the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety discusses a push by Milwaukee officials to install red light and speed enforcement cameras. Then, a Ho-Chunk Nation representative talks about the role of Native American code talkers in World War II. Then, a new mapping project shows the dangers of light pollution to migratory birds.

Featured in this Episode

  • Milwaukee officials renew push for traffic cameras

    Milwaukee leaders are renewing calls for Wisconsin lawmakers to allow them to place red light and speed enforcement cameras throughout the city. A researcher from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety weighs in on the potential benefits and drawbacks of these cameras.

  • Recognizing how Native American code talkers aided the US war efforts

    During World War I and World War II, Native American soldiers used Indigenous languages to send coded messages to allies across the world and helped soldiers navigate territory. A Ho-Chunk representative explains the role of Native Americans in the wars and new legislation that would recognize them.

  • Light pollution threatens migrating songbirds

    A new map of U.S. stopover sites for migratory birds reveals light pollution to be the greatest threat to songbirds. A researcher explains how an estimated 1 billion birds die colliding with buildings each year. Then, a Wisconsin conservationist shares tips to help reduce bird fatalities.

Episode Credits

  • Kate Archer Kent Host
  • Wen Hu Guest
  • Kristin White Eagle Guest
  • Kyle Horton Guest
  • Karen Etter Hale Guest
  • Keegan Kyle Producer
  • Trevor Hook Producer
  • Mackenzie Krumme Producer
  • Joel Patenaude Producer
  • Lee Rayburn Technical Director

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