Putting the ‘No’ in autonomous vehicles: New book explores why self-driving cars won’t ever happen

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Heard On The Morning Show
Author Peter Norton and the cover of his new book, "Autonorama: The Illusory Promise of High-Tech Driving."
Author Peter Norton and the cover of his new book, “Autonorama: The Illusory Promise of High-Tech Driving.” Images courtesy of Island Press

For decades, the auto industry has promised self-driving cars that are safe and carefree. The author of a new book, however, writes that it’s time to wake up and smell the motor oil — these fancy cars are just a dream and we should explore more eco-friendly alternative ways to get around instead.

Episode Credits

  • Kate Archer Kent Host
  • Steven Potter Producer
  • Royce Podeszwa Producer
  • Maria Lopez Technical Director
  • Peter Norton Guest

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