More students could be isolated or restrained under bill, Wisconsin scientists report from UN climate change conference

Air Date:
Heard On The Morning Show
Pamphlets at the COP28 U.N. Climate Summit
A person picks up pamphlets about food at the COP28 U.N. Climate Summit, Thursday, Nov. 30, 2023, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Rafiq Maqbool/AP Photo

The circumstances allowing Wisconsin students to be restrained or placed in seclusion would expand under a newly introduced bill in the state Legislature. We speak to an advocate of positive behavior interventions. Then, we are joined by two Wisconsin scientists attending this week’s United Nations climate change conference in Dubai.

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Episode Credits

  • Kate Archer Kent Host
  • Mackenzie Krumme Producer
  • Joe Tarr Producer
  • Lee Rayburn Technical Director
  • Brian Meyer Guest
  • Dr. Jonathan Patz Guest
  • Nova Tebee Guest

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