Innocence Project lead debunks faulty forensics in new book

Air Date:
Heard On The Morning Show
Forensic odontologist Dr. Richard Souviron points to a blown-up photograph of accused murderer Theodore Bundy's teeth during Bundy's murder trial in Miami, Fla., on July 18, 1979. Dr. Souviron, one of the prosecution's key witnesses, is showing the jury t
Forensic odontologist Dr. Richard Souviron points to a blown-up photograph of accused murderer Theodore Bundy’s teeth during Bundy’s murder trial in Miami, Fla., on July 18, 1979. (AP Photo)

For decades, bite mark evidence was widely used to secure convictions. But recently, it has been linked to more than two dozen wrongful arrests or convictions. We speak with the Innocence Project’s director of strategic litigation about a variety of courtroom evidence under renewed scrutiny.

Episode Credits

  • Kate Archer Kent Host
  • Trevor Hook Producer
  • Maria Lopez Technical Director
  • M. Chris Fabricant Guest

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