How new Supreme Court ruling may affect Wisconsin’s wetlands, Researchers studying cause of early algae blooms

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Heard On The Morning Show
A wetland on the Bad River reservation. It's full of plants and a stream flows through it.
Wetlands absorb water from snow melt and rains and clean the water by filtering out sediment and pollutants. Photo courtesy of the Wisconsin Wetlands Assocation 

An advocate for Clean Wisconsin discusses how a recent Supreme Court ruling curtailing wetland protections may impact Wisconsin. Researchers from UW-Madison say invasive species cause algae blooms to surface earlier and earlier. We speak with a bacteriologist on how to clean up lakes in Wisconsin.

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Episode Credits

  • Kate Archer Kent Host
  • Joe Tarr Producer
  • Joel Patenaude Producer
  • A. Emily Ralph Technical Director
  • Evan Feinauer Guest
  • Trina McMahon Guest