How Jails Treat Addiction, Preventing Teen Dating Violence

Air Date:
Heard On The Morning Show
Hydrocodone pills
Toby Talbot/AP Photo

All across the country opioid addiction is making and headlines and different treatments are being tested. We take a look closer to home and talk to a Dane County jail official about the methods they use to help inmates facing addiction. We also take a look at measures Wisconsin is taking and could be taking to prevent teen dating violence.

Featured in this Show

  • How Dane County Jail Is Addressing Opioid Addictions

    Dane County Jail has deployed a drug called Vivitrol to combat opioid addictions among inmates, and it’s learned a few things. Our guest breaks down jail’s treatment program, how Vivitrol is different from Suboxone, and what other counties can learn from Dane County’s experience with it.

  • What Is Being Done In Wisconsin To Prevent Teen Dating Violence?

    One in five teenagers experience dating violence in Wisconsin, according to a statewide campaign that aims to raise awareness about the issue. We talk to the director of End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin about the challenges people in this age group face, and about prevention and support options.

Episode Credits

  • Carrie Kaufman Host
  • Laura Pavin Producer
  • Breann Schossow Producer
  • Ashley Luthern Guest
  • Patti Seger Guest
  • Michael Dieringer Technical Director