How Child Protective Services work, and Children’s Wisconsin adds walk-in youth mental health clinics

Air Date:
Heard On The Morning Show
Pinwheels represent child victims of abuse in Fayette County, Ky.
Blue pinwheels, each representing a child who was a victim of abuse or neglect in Fayette County, Ky., in 2022, sit on display near an intersection, Thursday, April 6, 2023, in Lexington, Ky. The non-profit CASA of Lexington, which advocates for child victims of abuse or neglect, set up the display to the problem. Joshua A. Bickel/AP Photo

Tens of thousands of reports alleging maltreatment of children a year are handled by Wisconsin county child protective services. We talk with local agencies about the process. And Children’s Wisconsin is opening three new mental health walk-in clinics. A hospital official explains the need.

Featured in this Show

  • Understanding Child Protective Services

    In 2021, Wisconsin county child protective services agencies and the Division of Milwaukee Child Protective Services received more than 74,000 reports alleging maltreatment of children. We talk with local agencies about the reporting and intervention process.

  • New funding allows expansion of Children's Wisconsin's walk-in youth mental health clinics

    A recent $3 million donation to Children’s Wisconsin is allowing the health care system to open three new mental health walk-in clinics across the state. We speak with a hospital official to learn about the growth of these clinics and why they’re in high demand.

Episode Credits

  • Kate Archer Kent Host
  • Courtney Everett Producer
  • Trevor Hook Producer
  • Maria Lopez Technical Director
  • Ashley Nelson Guest
  • Dee Jaye Miles Guest
  • Amy Herbst Guest