Hobart vs. Oneida

Air Date:
Heard On The Morning Show
Oneida Reservation Hobart Green Bay
Courtesy: Google Maps

The Village of Hobart and the Oneida Nation are locked in a battle over land held in trust by the federal government, which tribal nations are allowed to buy back. The problem is, almost all of Hobart falls within one of those trusts. And the Oneida have started to exercise their rights. The Village held a meeting last night to bring people up to speed, but did not invite one Oneida speaker. They came anyway. We’ll talk to Richard Monette, law professor and director of the Great Lakes Indian Law Center to find out exactly what the Oneida want, what they’re allowed to do, what Hobart wants, and how to bridge this seemingly intractable divide.

Episode Credits

  • Carrie Kaufman Host
  • Kealey Bultena Producer
  • Michael Dieringer Technical Director
  • Richard Monette Guest

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