Getting Information And Vaccines To Wisconsin’s Latino Communities

Air Date:
Heard On The Morning Show
Juan Delgado, 73, right, receives a COVID-19 vaccine shot from a health care worker
Feb. 8, 2021 file photo, Juan Delgado, 73, right, receives a COVID-19 vaccine shot from a health care worker at a vaccination site in the Mission district of San Francisco. Latinos who haven’t yet gotten the COVID-19 vaccine are much more likely than whites or Blacks to say they want a shot right away, a new poll finds. That unfulfilled desire could be an opportunity for public health workers to boost vaccination rates among the nation’s largest ethnic minority. Haven Daley/AP Photo

A Kaiser Family Foundation report examines the experiences and reveals the disparities Hispanic people have faced throughout the pandemic and the immunization effort. We discuss the findings and then hear how Wisconsin’s Latino leaders are helping the community overcome barriers to vaccination.

Episode Credits

  • Kealey Bultena Host
  • Jana Rose Schleis Producer
  • Lee Rayburn Technical Director
  • Dr. Zeno Franco Guest
  • Darryl Morin Guest

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