Fewer Foreign Language Options In Schools, Smart Justice

Air Date:
Heard On The Morning Show

American colleges have dropped hundreds of foreign language programs from their curriculum in recent years. We talk with a guest who says now is the time when we need them most. We also learn about a new Smart Justice campaign from the ACLU of Wisconsin that encourages lawmakers to spend more money on education and less on incarceration.

Featured in this Show

  • American Colleges Have Dropped Hundreds Of Foreign Language Programs In Recent Years

    From 2013-2016, American colleges dropped or closed more than 650 foreign language programs. That’s according to new data from the Modern Language Association, and our guest says it’s happening at a time when America needs foreign languages the most. We look at why colleges and universities across the nation are dropping these programs, and discuss the outlook going forward. We also hear the case for learning a foreign language.

  • ACLU Pushes For Smart Justice In Wisconsin

    The American Civil Liberties Union of Wisconsin is training people to tell state lawmakers what they want to see out of the next budget: More money spent on schools, and less on incarceration. We learn about this campaign — called Smart Justice — and how the ACLU is partnering with organizations across the state to push it forward.

Episode Credits

  • Kate Archer Kent Host
  • Chris Malina Producer
  • Laura Pavin Producer
  • Kathleen Stein-Smith Guest
  • Emilio De Torre Guest
  • Sean Wilson Guest