Do we need a genetic animal bank?

Air Date:
Heard On The Morning Show
A cloned black-footed ferret
In this photo provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is Elizabeth Ann, the first cloned black-footed ferret and first-ever cloned U.S. endangered species, at 50-days old on Jan. 29, 2021. Scientists hope the slinky predator named Elizabeth Ann and her descendants will improve the genetic diversity of a species once thought extinct but bred in captivity and reintroduced successfully to the wild. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service via AP

Many scientists believe that we are at the beginning of a mass extinction event. We talk with a geneticist and a conservationist from the UW-Madison about why they want to create genetic banks to preserve the DNA of the world’s endangered creatures.

Episode Credits

  • Kate Archer Kent Host
  • Joe Tarr Producer
  • Maria Lopez Technical Director
  • Francisco Pelegri Guest
  • Paul Robbins Guest

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