Budget Committee Passes School Funding Plan, The State Of Mental Health Services In Schools

Air Date:
Heard On The Morning Show

The Legislature’s Budget Committee passed a $500,000 increase for school funding, but it’s roughly a third of the money Democratic Governor Evers proposed. We hear the latest from WPR’s State Capitol Bureau Chief. Then we talk to a superintendent about recent efforts to expand mental health services in schools amid calls for funding increases.

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  • Joint Finance Committee Approves GOP-Backed Hike To School Funding

    The Wisconsin Legislature’s budget committee passed a $500,000 increase in school funding last week. It’s less than half of the $1.4 billion bump Democratic Governor Tony Evers proposed. We look at the plan’s main tenets and how negotiations could shape the final deal.

  • How Schools Are Connecting Families With Mental Health Help

    Governor Tony Evers and GOP leaders in the Legislature want to increase funding for student mental health in this year’s budget, but they disagree by how much. Amid the debate, a superintendent discusses recent efforts to expand mental health services in schools and how more state funding could help.

Episode Credits

  • Kate Archer Kent Host
  • Laura Pavin Producer
  • Keegan Kyle Producer
  • Lee Rayburn Technical Director
  • Shawn Johnson Guest
  • Heidi Eliopoulos Guest