Garden Talk: The Vicars Of Vegetables

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Heard On The Larry Meiller Show
bowl of vegetables
Photo Credit: Sandy Austin/flickr (CC-BY-NC)

What kinds of vegetables will thrive in the garden this year? Larry Meiller checks in with the Vicars of Vegetables to find out what bumper crops we can expect during this growing season. Plus, what will the recent rainy weather mean for plant diseases? Learn more on this edition of Garden Talk!

Featured in this Show

  • Professor: Rainy Weather Won't Hurt Tomato Crops

    It’s been a rainy week in Wisconsin, and with more wet weather yet to come, many tomato growers are wondering if they should brace themselves for plant disease.

    According to Jim Nienhuis, a professor of horticulture at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, gardeners have nothing to worry about as long as they take the proper precautions.

    “As long as you’ve got good drainage, I don’t think there’s going to be any ill effects,” he said.

    “If we maintained high humidity and if we had low temperatures, we’re certainly going to get things like Phytophthora,” Nienhuis said, referring to a crop-damaging mold. “But it’s going to dry out.”

    Though looking ahead at a week-long forecast of rain can be discouraging, Nienhuis said gardening is all about optimism.

    “There is a sun out there … it’s not gone away. It will come back, and it will dry the leaves,” he said. “Gardening requires faith above all.”

Episode Credits

  • Larry Meiller Host
  • Cynthia Schuster Producer
  • Irwin Goldman Guest
  • Jim Nienhuis Guest

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