Garden Talk: Preparing your garden for winter; Larry checks in from Scotland

Air Date:
Heard On The Larry Meiller Show
Image by Schorsch from Pixabay

Gardening expert Melinda Myers joins us to talk about transitioning the garden from fall to winter. Topics include bringing in house plants, mulching, and caring for tropical bulbs.

Featured in this Episode

  • Preparing your garden for winter

    Gardening expert Melinda Myers joins us to talk about the transition of your garden from fall to winter.

  • Hello, Larry

    If you’ve been asking yourself this week, “Hey, where’s Larry?”, the answer is simple; He’s been taking a much-delayed trip to the birthplace of one of his favorite hobbies, golf. But apparently he misses us, so he checks in from abroad to talk golf and gardening.

Episode Credits

  • Jill Nadeau Host
  • Melinda Myers Guest
  • Jeff Robbins Technical Director

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