The Fight Against Aquatic Invasive Species

Air Date:
Heard On The Larry Meiller Show
boat propeller with muscles
National Park Service

We talk about efforts to contain aquatic invasive species (AIS) in Wisconsin with an expert from the UW Sea Grant Program. We also look at a new program to educate waterfowl hunters about AIS.

Featured in this Show

  • Wisconsin Volunteers Help Officials Locate Aquatic Invasive Species

    More than 200 people armed with rakes and scoops were out looking for aquatic invasive species last weekend. The volunteers were collecting data for use by the River Alliance of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.

    Called Aquatic Invasive Species Snapshot Day, the event was held at 18 different sites around the state, said Tim Campbell, an outreach specialist with University of Wisconsin-Extension.

    “Snapshot Day is really unique for monitoring,” he explained. “We get a whole bunch of citizen data all in one day.”

    This is the fourth year the event has been held. Originally, locations were on rivers or streams but this year, lakes were included, Campbell said. Sites in eastern Minnesota were also added.

    The monitoring locations varied. They included public parks on large rivers, culverts on country roads, small trout streams, and boat launches on local lakes.

    To help them correctly collect and identify the invasive species, volunteers were given one hour of training before going out.

    Easy-to-identify species are the focus of the yearly event, Campbell said.

    “They specifically look for some of our water garden plants, water lettuce and water hyacinth,” he explained. “They can also sample for macro invertebrates like zebra mussels or snails. They can also look for crayfish species.”

    Information about getting involved in next year’s AIS Snapshot Day is available on the River Alliance of Wisconsin website, including a list of host sites. After the initial hour of training, volunteers can expect to spend about two hours in the field.

    “Then you come back and it’s instant gratification. An expert will be there to tell you what you’ve found and help you report your data,” Campbell said.

Episode Credits

  • Larry Meiller Host
  • Jill Nadeau Producer
  • Tim Campbell Guest