Year-end donating, Pearl Harbor anniversary

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time
Family meal kits packaged for families in the Duluth-Superior area.
Family meal kits were put together and delivered to families for Thanksgiving in place of an annual community buffet. Photo courtesy of Monica Hendrickson

A philanthropist joins us to talk about the importance of donating time and money at the end of the year. Then, we talk to the author of a new book about Pearl Harbor, on the anniversary of the attack.

Featured in this Show

  • Seasonal philanthropy and volunteering

    As we head into winter, one philanthropist recommends thinking about what fall can teach us that helps us experience more happiness and joy in the new season.

  • The story of America's Tokyo ambassador and what led to the attack on Pearl Harbor

    We learn about ambassador Joseph C. Grew and his experience during the volatile time before Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on this day in 1941.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Tyler Ditter Technical Director
  • Emilie Burditt Producer
  • Tim Peterson Producer
  • Lisa Dietlin Guest
  • Steve Kemper Guest

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