Rob Ferrett and Veronica Rueckert look at Wisconsin’s tax climate and wonder if high taxes can still be blamed for the state’s lack of job growth. Plus, they discuss the essential foods of good taste and preview a science film festival.
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Writer: Essence Of Good Taste Lies In Nature
Beef and eggs are common staples in the American diet. Luckily, they’re also among the 50 essential foods every modern gourmet must know, according to one food writer.
Ed Behr, found of “The Art of Eating” and author of “50 Foods: The Essentials Of Good Taste,” said knowing good food is part of a complete understanding of the world.
“You don’t really understand the natural world, for instance, without a feeling for the senses, and food is a huge part of our experience for the senses,” Behr said.
When it comes to finding tasty beef, Behr said simply buying grass-fed beef isn’t enough. Behr explains, “It has to be really rich grass,” grown in a climate that has good rainfall and on a pasture that is well-managed, where grass isn’t allowed to grow very tall.
For those who don’t eat meat, Behr said eggs are a versatile food and one of his 50 essentials. He offers tips on finding the best eggs with the richest taste.
“The science is that it’s much more the way the chickens are raised, whether they’re outdoors, whether the eggs are fresh, what [the chickens] are fed,” Behr said. “That makes much more difference than the breed.”
How Heavy Is Wisconsin's Tax Burden?
Many have blamed Wisconsin’s high taxes for a stagnant economy and lack of job growth, but a new report says Wisconsin is only a medium-tax state. A business reporter asks, “Is Wisconsin really a ‘tax hell’ anymore?”
The 50 Foods Essential For Good Taste
A food writer shares his suggestions of the foods every modern gourmet should know, and what to do with them.
Tales From Planet Earth Film Festival: Futures
This year’s theme for the Tales From Planet Earth Film Festival, put on by the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, is Futures. We’ll talk to the programmer of the festival and one of the featured filmmakers about why our view of the future of planet Earth is always so bleak.
Episode Credits
- Rob Ferrett Host
- Veronica Rueckert Host
- Cynthia Schuster Producer
- Chris Malina Producer
- Amanda Magnus Producer
- Edward Behr Guest
- Mike Ivey Guest
- Peter Boger Guest
- Peter Galison Guest
Wisconsin Public Radio, © Copyright 2025, Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System and Wisconsin Educational Communications Board.