Wisconsin’s bald eagle comeback, Disinformation and politics

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time
A bald eagle catches a fish
Bald eagles need a half pound to a pound of food per day, according to DNR scientist Laura Jaskiewicz. Orlin Wagner/AP Photo

Bald eagles are now nesting in all of Wisconsin’s 72 counties. We hear about the recovery effort that brought the birds back and hear about their significance for one Native American community. We also talk with an election law expert about the impact of disinformation on our politics and what can be done about it.

Featured in this Show

  • The great eagle comeback in Wisconsin

    We discuss how bald eagles have rebounded in a big way in Wisconsin, after the raptors’ population had dropped to critical numbers several decades ago.

  • Election law expert on how 'Cheap Speech' has changed American politics

    Election law expert Richard Hasen joins the show to talk about the 2020 election, its aftermath and his new book “Cheap Speech: How Disinformation Poisons Our Politics―and How to Cure It.”

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Sarah Hopefl Technical Director
  • Lee Rayburn Technical Director
  • Tim Peterson Producer
  • Rachael Vasquez Producer
  • Kathy Smith Guest
  • Rich Staffen Guest
  • Richard Hasen Guest

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